Take Charge Of Your Health.

Evening Appointments available in Yarm & Northallerton

Please note that appointments on the 16th & 17th October are at my Northallerton Clinic

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Picture of clinic room

Visit The Clinics:


48 High Street, Northallerton, Yorkshire, DL7 8EQ


16 High St, Yarm TS15 9AE


Northallerton Clinic

Monday 12 pm - 8 pm

Yarm Clinic

Wednesday 12 pm - 8 pm

Leeds Clinic

Thursday 3 pm - 8 pm ( contact the Leeds clinic directly for appointments)


Initial Consultation plus welcome treatment £55 up to 60 minutes

Fertility Consultation plus welcome treatment £65 up to 90 minutes

Cosmetic Acupuncture £65 up to 90 minutes

Follow-up treatment £50 up to 60 minutes

Please note that 48 hours are required for cancellation to avoid the £30 cancellation fee


A 50% deposit is required to secure initial appointments for new clients.