Pregnancy Support Acupuncture In Northallerton, Yarm & Near By areas
Congratulations you are pregnant!
Acupuncture for pregnancy and up until birth is a completely safe and natural treatment that can be used from the early stages of pregnancy right the way through to birth preparation.
Pregnancy is a very special time when looking after yourself and your growing baby is paramount.
I provide comprehensive pregnancy support throughout all stages of pregnancy. This allows me to target all the common complaints that can arise at different stages throughout pregnancy.
Early Pregnancy
Early pregnancy can be filled with anxiety, particularly for those whose fertility journey has been long or complicated and for those who have experienced previous miscarriages.
Research suggests that Acupuncture may help improve the blood flow to the uterus and help to boost energy levels too.
It is also good for relieving stress. Sessions address common pregnancy ailments such as nausea, fatigue, migraine and backache
Later in pregnancy
Later in pregnancy Acupuncture can be used to focus on backache, pubic and joint pain as well as sciatic and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Pre-birth Acupuncture
I encourage women to come back to the clinic from 36 weeks onwards to help their bodies prepare for birth. These sessions follow research conducted in New Zealand which revealed that women who had Acupuncture in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy had a third less number of medical inductions, epidurals and emergency caesareans compared to local population rates.
The goal of pre-birth acupuncture is to help promote a smoother and more efficient labour process, reduce the need for medical interventions, and support the overall well-being of the mother and baby.
Breech Baby
Specific sessions are available for helping turn breech babies involving Moxa sticks to apply heat to an Acupuncture point. This is a 1-off session in the clinic and you will be given Moxa sticks to continue your treatment at home. A good time for this is 33-36 weeks whilst there is still room for the baby to turn.